Jan 13, 2012

HowTo: Transfer files via SSH

If you need to transfer some files from one linux box to another using SSH.

Transfer foobar.avi from a remote computer to your computer:
scp batman@ /home/foobaring/foobar.avi
"don't forget the colon between and /home/remotepc"

Transfer foobar.avi from your computer to a remote computer:
scp /home/foobaring/foobar.avi batman@

"don't forget the colon between and /home/remotepc"

Tranfer folders from a remote computer to your computer:

scp -r batman@ /home/foobaring/local-folder
"this will copy the folder remote-folder and its contents into local-folder in your computer"

batman - user on the remote computer - ip address of the remote computer
/home/remotepc/foobar.avi - file that you want to get from the remote computer
/home/foobaring/foobar.avi - location where you want to save the transferred file in your computer
-r - recursive, used for copying folders

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